Serving the 'Rockstars' in the Making - BE INFINITY

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in coaching but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Frankie Cote, founder of BE INFINITY, located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

BE INFINITY helps entrepreneurs, visionaries, big dreamers + high achievers find their flow and serve others in extraordinary ways. Whether through building business, community, or through connecting with artistic projects, we exist to rally, support, and empower those looking to make the world a better place. We serve the 'rockstars' in the making, those in any field who know they are capable of more and are willing to take the courageous step to go after what they know they truly deserve.

Tell us about yourself

On average, I spend about half of my time coaching and the other half working on and releasing music, as HERDD (my latest musical endeavour). Many have asked why I haven't picked one or the other, and for the longest time, I felt that I needed to. Saying that somehow I could only achieve one if the other was gone, I believe many of us feel stuck in this way. Over time, however, I've realized that both are ultimately using the same skillset and that they elevate each other. In both, I aim to connect with someone on a heart level, and in both, I aim to elevate other people's lives, be it through opening up a conversation.. or by making someone dance.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Stepping onto the TEDx stage in 2019 was special, and as accomplishments go, this is the one I would likely name drop if asked. However, I've perhaps had something even more satisfying emerge within my business in the past years. It is now quite common that someone I serve will refer me to a family member, and then that person refers me to someone else within the same family. Recently I served someone, one of their parents, their spouse, and two of their adult kids. 'Rockstars' come in all shapes and sizes!

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Imposter syndrome is something even the most qualified person experiences when trying something new. Starting a business, especially solo, opens up a whole realm of previously unforeseen challenges, and that can really exacerbate our sense of being an imposter. Rather than appreciating that this is normal, we easily assume that we're just less qualified or skilled than others. Others who've previously been through that imposter vibe before know that there is no such thing as an imposter - it is just our mind is trying to keep us in the safe lane.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Start. The biggest tip I'd give seems empty, it seems it's too obvious to mention, but I can tell you, I've met hundreds of people with extraordinary talent and potential who are settling for less and feel unfulfilled. There is no 'good time' to start. There is no specific skill you need to get first. Just start. Start now. Stop reading. Really, start now.
  2. Develop a sense of humour. While I am a pretty goofy person in general, I have historically taken my projects way too seriously. Whether in music, or coaching, that sense of seriousness has limited my ability to take risks that can only be taken when you're willing to look like a clown. The hardest of conversations with clients is the one where we laugh the most. Running a business, especially solo, is not easy or always fun. Learn to laugh, and you're more likely to stick with it!
  3. Faith is an action; without action, faith is dead. We all talk about 'having faith,' but most of us seem to think that faith is something that exists in our thoughts and words alone. The magic only starts to happen when we have faith in our minds, words, and actions. To truly have faith in something is to act in accordance with it. To trust in yourself, in life, and in what's not yet visible. Have faith.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Not active on social besides Linkedin. However, you can check out my Spotify and TEDx Talk for more content.

Where can people find you and your business?


If you like what you've read here and have your own story as a solopreneur that you'd like to share, then email; we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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