Beat holiday burnout and grow your business in 2022

The holidays are the busiest time of year for most small businesses. The income that comes in in December from happy customers (or in January, if you’re in fitness or wellness) often sustains entrepreneurs through the low months. Let's explore ways not only to sustain yourself, but how to thrive during the holidays and continue to grow in 2022. We’re going to dive into ways to beat holiday burnout, how to make the most of a busy season, and how the key to killing it in 2022 is subscriptions.

Holiday prep

You know the rush is coming, so take a deep breath and prepare. Talking about the holidays in mid-November feels premature... unless you own a small business. In which case, you've probably been thinking about them for too long already. Good for you.

Set achievable goals for yourself and break these goals down into bite-size, manageable To Do lists. Whether you’re working to grow your e-commerce business, sell out your current physical goods inventory or gain subscribers for 2022, starting small is a good idea.

There is never a reason to overwhelm yourself into feeling defeated. Simply start with the targets you want to hit, and work backwards. Create strategies to get you there, and make small daily To Do lists that you can easily and proudly tackle.

You’ve got this, and remember: if it isn’t a Hell Yes, then it’s a No. It’s especially important to save your energy at this busy, busy time.

Beat holiday burnout

Beyond business happenings, you also have a life, and December tends to bring the busy. Please protect your energy. Entrepreneurs are extremely likely to experience burnout, and you need better.

Since you’re likely making a little bit of extra money in December, it’s a great time to hire some temporary help. Whatever you find the most annoying and time consuming, get it off your plate. There is someone in your community who would love to pick up extra work around the holidays. Gifts and travel aren’t cheap. So instead of thinking of it as not being able to handle everything, think of it as taking care of yourself and helping someone else out. Hire.

Get loud

There is a lot of noise around the holidays, and we’re not talking about Mariah blasting on every corner, we’re talking about advertising and social media. The reason people are loud is because customers are spending, and you and your small business deserve to be earning. Join the conversation.

If there was ever a time to boost posts, spend a little on social ads or ask an influencer friend to reshare your goods, the holidays are it.

If turning your instagram followers into recurring revenue is a goal of yours after the holidays (it should be!), then here is some extra reading.

Set your 2022 goals early

Now that you’re slaying the above, you’ve got time to think bigger. The past couple of years were crippling for the small business community and you deserve to thrive and grow, not just survive. The best way to grow in 2022 is to focus on how to earn more recurring revenue and passive income. So it’s time to...

Think subscriptions

Subscriptions are everywhere. From Netflix to Amazon Prime, big businesses are discovering the power of the subscription model, and customers are finding joy in constant and simplified access to the content and products they need the most. Who's missing from this equation? The little guys. But subscriptions can be ideal for small business owners and individual entrepreneurs, helping them create sustainable growth with recurring revenue and build deeper, more meaningful relationships to their customers.

2022 is your year. Focus on growing your core community and making more money through Subscriptions, and you'll never look back.


Want to learn more about Subscriptions? Good idea. If you’re ready to get a plan off the ground, for free with personal growth support, Subkit is here for you.