PureWholeness Natural Medicine - Dr. Kennisha Reynolds

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dr. Kennisha Reynolds, Founder of PureWholeness Natural Medicine, located in San Diego, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

PureWholeness Natural Medicine is a boutique wellness center that serves patients with chronic, complex, or mysterious health problems. We aim to recreate the right conditions for health and support the body's natural healing gifts so you can feel good.

Our approach originates from my CSI method. I leverage the investigative techniques I learned as a forensics scientist to make sense of each patient's "crime scene" and the internal location of their health problems. This approach provides profound patient results because we can identify the source of their issue—even when it's complex—and provide a lasting fix.

I systematize as much as possible, which enables me to provide vetted physician protocols to a second offer: The PureWholeness Way Membership Community. I also provide a unique monthly workshop and actionable that aligns with critical health goals. Our growing, positive community facilitates progress towards desired wellness habits and outcomes.

Tell us about yourself

Two inciting events funneled me towards being a physician.
I battled brain fog, a lack of focus, and fatigue in undergraduate school. These are conditions that medical professionals generally write off as being "all in your head" or claim that "nothing is wrong with you" despite the legitimate evidence of your experience.

As time went on, I learned that health had a set of principles. I followed these principles and became healthier. I used a comprehensive approach instead of a single pill or supplement to increase energy and live in mental clarity. Overcoming my own health challenges was one catalyst to becoming a physician, but there was another.

My work with forensics science exposed me to numerous scenarios where people die unnecessarily. I saw the insides of deceased persons with arterial plaque, globs of fat and oil around the arteries, and organs often aged well beyond the subjects' chronological years.

I wanted to help people like that. There are laws that govern health. When we adhere to these laws, we get healthier. But often, we are ignorant of these laws, and that's an unacceptable reason to die.
Keeping people out of the morgue, empowering them through online education, and my patient testimonials all motivate me every day to perform my life's work.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I'm thrilled when I see my patients achieve monumental health outcomes. Whether resolving a long-standing health issue or simply feeling better than they have in years, seeing my patients thrive is the greatest accomplishment of all.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Time is a business owner's most precious resource. Time is fixed and outside your control in every way. I think a better approach is managing what we accomplish within time frames. That isn't easy, especially in the early days of trying to get your business off the ground. There are so many things you need to do, and it can feel like there's never enough time to do them all.

Here are strategies that I've found to help you manage your time utilization.

  • Dream Big
    We all have a dream for our business. Mine is to teach millions the simple laws of health so they can live better and longer.
  • Define Goals
    Once we know our big dreams well enough to write them clearly, we can define our goals. I believe goals should be personally exciting and challenging but within your control, trackable, and bound to a deadline.
  • Set Milestones
    There are certain points on the path to your goal that act as signs that you're going in the right direction. One of mine is community growth. Specific numbers in my community represent a milestone. When I reach these milestones by the deadline, it's a sign that I'm moving toward my goal.
  • Take Daily Action
    The daily actions are where the rubber meets the road in business. I prefer to identify the steps that are enjoyable, simple, and yield the most significant results. I have a visible scoreboard that lets me know if I'm "winning" at the task level every day or not.

So dream big, set dream-oriented goals, identify milestones critical to those goals, and choose enjoyable, simple, high-leverage daily actions that align with your milestones. This approach enabled me to make progress quickly for my patients and revenue. It's an effective way to manage myself within time.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Everyone starting a business needs to have a mission.

  • Why does your business exist? What does your company do?
  • Who do you serve?
  • How does your work improve their lives?

Your mission statement should answer these questions. Writing them down helps you focus on your work and attract ideal clients/customers.
Everyone running a business needs to develop quality systems.
Running a business is complicated. Quality systems help you simplify the business.

They help you track, control quality (product or service delivery), and improve efficiency. Here are some tips on how we systematize at PureWholeness Natural Medicine:

  • Choose which systems are required. You'll find standard systems in the areas of accounting, marketing, people (employees/"human resources"), and production/delivery (how you produce your product or deliver your service).
  • Document the process. Documentation will ensure everyone in your company is doing things the same way and that there is a clear understanding of requirements.
  • Automate. There's software to help you with your systems, such as accounting software, HR software, and marketing software. Use the tools that make sense for you right now. Don't overspend on tools. But if it will save significant time, buy it.

Everyone who is expanding their business needs a community.

  • Your business needs a community. Fostering a community of customers, clients, and others interested in what you do ensures that your business will have a healthy pipeline of prospects and happy customers.
  • A community provides social proof – people want to do business with others who have goals or values like them. The community also provides feedback and support, so you're better able to improve. Finally, the community can act as brand advocates, spreading the good word about what you do to their friends and family.

When mature, a community can turn into a membership, providing your business with predictable, recurring revenue.

Building a community takes time and effort. It takes the business owner’s time and effort. You have to consistently show up for your people, but it’s well worth it in the end. So get started today and watch your business grow!

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I have two models in my business. I have an accessibly priced membership and a high-touch concierge program. Having the membership aligns well with my big dream because, in the long run, I'll be able to teach many people and build a community of health advocates.

Some people require more expertise, attention, and ongoing service. My concierge program allows me to use my CSI background to investigate and identify varied causes and get patients thoroughly well for the long term.

I also use my experience as a lab scientist in the concierge program. I helped research and develop human identification technology for the government. The result was developing technology that correctly identified perpetrators and remains of the deceased using genetic material from the blood, semen, saliva, and prints.

Today I run advanced tests to scour the patient to find any possible source of dysfunction. My unique lab and forensics experience compliments my work as a physician and helps my patients get results.
These two business models provide predictable revenue with the possibility of "hockey-stick growth" in any given month/quarter.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://purewholeness.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purewholenessnaturalmedicine/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purewholenessnaturalmedicine/

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