Functional Medicine + Energy Medicine - Dr. Lara May

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dr. Lara May PharmD, BCPS, APh, CFMP, Founder of Light Body Healing & Consulting, located in Truckee, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

We are a functional medicine health coaching practice that incorporates reiki, energy healing & medical intuition to create healing and disease reversal that is lasting. Functional medicine is a root cause approach. We don't just treat symptoms. We find the root of your disease and focus on bringing balance back to the body to activate your body's natural healing mechanisms. We can complement this with reiki & energy medicine to also clear the energetic roots of your disease for ultimate multidimensional healing.

I work with men and women that have been failed by western medicine. My clients come to the practice frustrated and fed up with not getting better and an ever-growing medication list. I address the client's food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, and toxic burden to create a customized plan that reverses disease-causing inflammation and brings the restoration of energy, zest for life, and feeling great again. I am a board-certified advanced practice clinical pharmacist, so I have a deep understanding of disease states, medications, supplements, and how health and wellness can be created by connecting the mind, body, and soul.

Tell us about yourself

Ever since I was young, I have always had trouble with my stomach. I spent most of my years relying on acid reducers, and everything I ate caused my body distress. I often felt bloated, struggled with constipation, and I was at a loss for what to do about it. So, I did what most people do after seeing doctor after doctor and not feeling any better. I read every book, tried every program, and well… nothing worked for me. My stomach would ache afterward, my pants fit tight, and going to the bathroom was a less than pleasant experience with all the cramping and constipation, followed by cyclical diarrhea, etc. Now, I know that the food I was eating wasn't nourishing my body or benefiting my gut. They were making the problems worse! Until I truly dug in and gained the knowledge, I had no idea how my gut was being impacted by what I was eating every day. Hitting Rock Bottom... My gut problems persisted. They didn't improve because I kept eating all of the foods that were making the problems worse. I wasn't paying close attention to how certain foods were making my stomach feel. I was frustrated and thought my body wasn't working quite right. This was all because I was just feeding my gut problems. Even worse, I felt exhausted, sick, and moody all the time. I never had any energy, my body hurt, and my digestion was a mess.

It was when I realized that my poor gut health and all the symptoms I faced every day were keeping me from being the person I dreamed of being! I began to look more closely at my life and at my diet, suddenly realizing that the food I was eating was just contributing to the problem. All it took was a bit of research for me to see what I needed to see. The food I was eating had a negative impact on my gut. Then my poor gut health had a negative impact on the rest of my health and my life. So, of course, my first step was to change the food I was eating every day. It was tricky to get used to because I had never considered what I was eating. I bought and ate the food that I wanted. My research led me to realize that my gut health is connected to the rest of my health. So, after hours of research and plenty of time figuring out what worked best for my body, I healed all those gut issues. And as a result of that, I healed a ton of other issues. What a difference this made! In just a few weeks, I saw a change. I was less grumpy, had fewer stomach pains, and felt better as a whole. Since then, I've only gotten better.

A New Found Purpose & Journey to Integrating Functional & Energy Medicine… My experience changed my life in wonderful ways, and now, I'm on a path to helping others! I want to help you reclaim your life by getting your gut in great shape! As a functional medicine specialist, I help people uncover the source of their diseases and imbalances to get to the root of where things start. I focus on empowerment, transformation, & healing through real evidence-based methods combined with energy healing modalities. I give my clients the tools they need to help reduce or, in some cases, potentially even stop their prescription medications (with communication with their doctor, of course). But the biggest benefit my clients speak about is that they fall in love again - with their lives, with what they are doing, and with the person or people that mean the most to them. My unique approach and integration of techniques allow my clients to shift energetic patterns, release old beliefs, clear blockages, and create lives of fulfillment, wellness, and joy. My journey to energetic & functional medicine began in 2014 as a patient struggling with uncontrolled chronic migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic heartburn, and chronic sinus infections. Frustrated with not getting better and the lack of answers from western medicine, I sought out a new solution. Integrative Nutrition & Functional Medicine combined with energy healing modalities empower myself to heal myself from all of the above ailments. And today, I am dedicated to helping you do the same.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Being able to leave my work as a hospital pharmacist and focus full time on helping people heal and get off medications.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Knowing when to delegate a task allows me to commit more time to my zone of genius.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Do a little every day.
  2. Make a list a list of priorities & focus on one thing from that list at a time.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask for help and outsource strategically.

Where can people find you and your business?


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