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Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in sustainable living, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Marjory Wildcraft of The Grow Network, based in Austin, Texas.

Tell us about yourself

I had a forbidden thought that I could not get out of my head:  I wanted to stop the destruction of the Earth.  

I was homeschooling my two kids homesteading in a rural part of Texas.  While teaching my kids about biology, nutrition, and ecology my anger flared at how we're treating this planet.  A woman alone, barefoot with dirt under my nails, I felt that I was either crazy or megalomaniacal to think that I could make any difference at all in the world.  But in my heart, I knew that even if I did not change anything by one iota, I had to try.

I stood in my garden surrounded by my small flock of chickens and home rabbitry and I knew that with all the problems we are facing today, the solution was right there and so simple.  I’ve learned how to build a website, how to attract and retain talent, developing products and processes, more about marketing than I ever wanted to know, how to sell, and how to work with the media.  

Now I have a blog, store, forums, academy, and over 456,137 followers who are stopping the destruction of the Earth via homegrown food.

What's your business and who are your customers?

The Grow Network is a community of 501,469 people focused on modern self-sufficient living. We grow food. We make medicine. We build resiliency in our communities to stop the destruction of the earth and get homegrown food on every table.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Transforming a handful of sand into a movement of millions.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Attracting and retaining A players.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

1) Learn from my decades' worth of split testing 2) Provide your employees with the health benefit of the century 3) Learn how to attract and retain A-players.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Mental health is a huge concern for companies. Stress is at an all-time high and companies are scrambling to keep employees focused, healthy, and productive during these difficult times. Business leaders can and should provide benefits that nourish their team members.

Where can people find you online?


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