#GoSoloStories: Amanda Mulder

Hey, I'm Amanda Mulder and I'm a transformational life coach.

Tell us all about your business...

I create a compassionate space for curious human beings to reconnect to their inner spark and feel more grounded, confident and safe to express their authentic self in all areas of their life. As an entrepreneur, I keep evolving myself and my projects, wearing several hats. I facilitate self-expression as a transformational life coach, clear emotional wounds as a sekhem reiki healer and bring people into a state of peace and relaxation through Innersense Self-Massage Experiences.

What's your background and motivation to get into the solopreneur life?

How much time do you have? I'll be as precise as I can! Where I am now is the direct effect of my upbringing as a third culture kid. I moved around A LOT first with my mother and then when she re-married. It inspired me to connect with people all around the world, and yet, I felt lonely and a sense of not belonging.

Fast forward to my Saturn Return, at 30, I quit my corporate job in Amsterdam and went on a solo self-discovery journey around the world. This is when I discovered spirituality, digital nomadism, social entrepreneurship, start-up weekends, plant medicine, dance, voice, self-worth coaching and LOVE.

It opened my eyes to a whole new world where felt I more connected to the entrepreneurial spirit within me. It has taken a lot of courage, persistence, and commitment to keep going and building a business that I believe in.

What keeps me motivated each day is the fact that through presence, I can support to shift someone's perspective and bring a smile to their face, that there is hope, they have got a purpose, they can find peace within and their voice is worthy of sharing.

As a solopreneur, what does success ultimately mean to you?

Fulfilment and complete trust with what is.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

For me, it has been the self-doubt and inner critic when things don't 'seem' to be working out as fast as you imagined it would. To keep the trust, the faith, the belief in yourself and your business and focus on what IS going right, not pushing oneself to do more in order to make a deadline. Remembering this is all a game anyway, enjoy every moment of it.

What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run or grow a business today?

1) It's a marathon, not a race. Be realistic with your milestones and take breaks along the way in order to fully enjoy when you reach the finish line. And how do you know you are at the finish line? What is it that you really truly desire?

2) Have a support team with you, not just friends and family, but join a community of like-minded people that can give advice, accountability and question your beliefs so you keep growing yourself.

3) Self-care, self-care, self-care. Whatever that looks like for you. In order to start any business, I believe it has to start from a solid, grounded place within. Create from love and joy, not out of fear or proving something. If you want your business to thrive, grow and sustain itself - your emotional, physical, and mental state is its reflection. Be gentle with yourself.

If there was one thing you could do repeatedly to help grow your business, what would it be?

Podcasts, talks, speaking gigs, networking events. Meet and mingle with the people, that's where the magic lies.

What are some of the things you put in place to maintain a healthy work/life balance and to keep it all together?

Boundaries: A clear working schedule with time blocks, setting allocated times for the different hats I wear.

Physical: move in the morning and move behind my desk

Mental: Conscious breaths to bring me back to presence throughout the day. It's also how I start and end the day in bed.

Emotional: Dance, sing, allow whatever feeling that arises to flow through me rather than hold on. Release in nature.

Who are some of your favorite entrepreneurs and best business resources/books?

Marie Forleo - her humour, transparency and unshakeable belief in herself and her business.

Oprah - her authenticity, persistence and willingness to keep learning.

I'd recommend reading: Self-Worth Safari by John Niland, valuing your life and your work, starting from within. And Principles by Ray Dalio

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

There are no mistakes or failures, only opportunities for growth. Learn, let go, accept and take the next most aligned step towards your dreams. Believe in yourself and if that can be tricky, invest in a coach or group programme you resonate with, to remind you of your innate worth and wisdom. Investing in your personal growth is an investment in your business.

Where can people find you online?

You can find my website here and I'm on Instagram @ama.flowww.

If you like what you've read here and have your own #GoSoloStories that you'd like to share then email bethany@subkit.com, we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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