Going From Figure Competition to Fitness & Nutrition Coach

Interested in starting your own freelance business as a fitness instructor or nutrition coach? Then read up on our interview with Allison Jackson, the founder of Allison Jackson Fitness an online fitness and nutrition coach.

Tell us all about your business...

As an online fitness and nutrition accountability coach, I help high-achieving female execs and coaches prioritize self-care to get in the best shape of their lives.

What's your background and motivation to get into the solopreneur life?

I always say that my business found me. After competing in figure competitions (think bodybuilding meets beauty pageant) for several years, people began asking for nutrition and workout tips. My business started in 2016 and I'm motivated each day by the incredible success my clients are able to attain in their weight-loss journeys, from reducing their A1C numbers to getting off blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Showing people how to get healthy is my passion.

As a business owner, what does success ultimately mean to you?

Success means doing what you love, helping others and being able to create an income from those passions. I love the creativity, new challenges and personal development that comes with being an entrepreneur.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest part is staying motivated and being comfortable with stepping outside of your comfort zone. Entrepreneurs wear many hats, some come very naturally and others do not. Staying consistent and dedicated is key.

What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run or grow a business today?

My top 3 tips would be: 1) Do you market research. Ask people if they would buy your product or service, 2) Get experience by giving away your offering. Be sure to gather feedback and keep improving. 3) Take the leap! Focus on doing what you love and the rest will fall into place.

If there was one thing you could do repeatedly to help grow your business, what would it be?

I love public speaking so getting in front of as many people as possible on a regular basis helps my business grow. Whether virtual or in-person, more exposure is key for any business.

What are some of the things you put in place to maintain a healthy work/life balance and to keep it all together?

I create boundaries for work and for my family by blocking time to take breaks and making sure I protect my energy. Working on your business or spending time with family when you're exhausted and not at your best is never productive.

Who are some of your favorite entrepreneurs and best business resources/books??

Some of my favorite entrepreneurs are: Marie Forleo, James Wedmore, Gabby Bernstein. These are heart-centered passionate business owners focused on helping others. Marie's B-School (my first investment in my business) and her book "Everything is Figureoutable" is awesome, and Jen Sincero's "You are a Bad Ass" is great for mindset.

Where can people find you online?

Here's my website www.allisonjacksonfitness.com and you can find me @allisonjacksonfitness on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Be sure to also check out my Fit to Lead podcast to hear from high-performance professionals who share how they prioritize their self-care so they can be at their best.

If you like what you've read here and have your own #GoSoloStories that you'd like to share then email bethany@subkit.com, we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

Feel inspired to start, run or grow your own subscription business? Check out subkit.com and learn how you can turn "one day" into day one.