On being a black healer, consultant & creative with Heather Archer

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in the wellness industry, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Heather Archer, founder at Thriving with Heather. Heather has attracted a nice community on social media by reminding people to respect their work-life boundaries and curb their perfectionist tendencies.

Tell us all about your business...

I help recovering perfectionists reimagine their relationship with work. My passion is teaching people how to thrive by incorporating well-being strategies at work. I do this through workshops, retreats, sound healing and workplace consultation sessions.

What's your background and motivation to get into the solopreneur life?

I am a well-being consultant, sound healer, writer and speaker who has 15 years of experience of cultivating healing centered approaches for institutions geared towards social good. I am the Co-Founder of Black Healers Connect, Black Healers Connect connects healers across the African diaspora to share ancestral wisdom to restore ourselves and our communities. My work incorporates somatic and growth mindset strategies for recovering perfectionists to thrive at work.

My healing practice includes a mixture of sound healing, reiki, reflective journaling, mindfulness and chakra alignment. My first book, tentatively titled, The Grind Culture Detox: Heal from Capitalism, Thrive at Work will be released by Hierophant Publishing in June 2022.

As a business owner, what does success ultimately mean to you?

Success means living life on your own terms and being able to thrive while doing it. Success is living a life of abundance while maintaining your sovereignty.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Being able to motivate yourself and to be your own biggest cheerleader. There are days as an entrepreneur that you'll have no one to hype you up and motivate you to go for the gold and you'll have to be your own biggest cheerleader. Being an entrepreneur requires an increased level of self esteem and accountability.

What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run or grow a business today?

1. Invest in marketing and public relations.
2. Invest in self-actualization exercises that decrease the power of limiting beliefs in your life.
3. Ignore the haters. It's not their responsibility to believe in your vision—it's yours.

If there was one thing you could do repeatedly to help grow your business, what would it be?

Investing in advertising and marketing.

What are some of the things you put in place to maintain a healthy work/life balance and to keep it all together?

Daily baths and/or naps, also creating a morning routine where I serve myself before serving anyone else.

Who are some of your favorite entrepreneurs and best business resources/books?

My favorite entreprenuers are the folks who are self-made and did not have the same access to resources in order to make it. Some people that come to mind include: Madame CJ Walker, Oprah, and Rihanna.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Don't let anyone take the life away from your dreams!

Where can people find you online?

Website: www.thrivingwithheather.com and you can find me on
Instagram: @thriving_with_heather
Youtube: @thriving_with_heather
Clubhouse: @thrivewithme
TikTok: thriving_with_heather

If you like what you've read here and have your own solopreneur stories that you'd like to share then email community@subkit.com, we'd love to feature your journey on these pages.

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