3 Great Ways to Promote Your Subscription Service

Taking your service to the next level as a subscription plan obviously serves your business—who doesn’t want predictable monthly recurring revenue? But it can also serve your subscribers. The trick is just getting them to see the value in putting their long-term trust in you. Here are 3 great ways to promote and grow your subscription plan:

Use referral incentives

Reward the subscribers that bring in referrals. Your biggest fans can be the strongest advocates for your business. Offer them a discount each time they bring in someone new. You'll grow your subscriber base, and they'll be grateful for the discount. An easy way to do this is by using Subkit's in-product referral program. You can occasionally remind your subscribers of the benefits they’ll get when referring new customers on newsletters, social media posts, and even after sessions. Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

Use social media

By now you know this already. If it’s not on social media, it didn’t happen. Remind your online following of your subscription plan. Don’t do this by just saying "subscribe to me!" give people a reason to subscribe. Be specific about your value and communicate expected outcomes. Make it seem exciting, fun, and highlight the fact that people won't just be buying a thing - they'll be joining a community and building a lifestyle for themselves. A great way to do this is to post sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes of gated content or 1-1 consultations exclusively offered to subscribers and create a sense of FOMO.

Find Ways to Cross Promote

Collaborations can be a great way to bring in that added value to your subscribers. Think of other service providers who could complement your expertise and benefit your customer base. For example, for a 3-month commitment to a premium Pilates subscription plan, you could include a consultation with a nutritionist you trust who will cross-promote the collab.