Analysis + Plan of Action - Richardson Strategy

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Thomas Richardson, Strategy + Software - Richardson Strategy, located in Richmond, VA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Richardson Strategy is a growth coaching service for owners and managers. I focus on strategic planning and software programming. We start by centralizing data as much as possible using a CRM. Before scaling our marketing and sales efforts, we must first ensure operations are frictionless and streamlined. Information silos are broken down as needed. Once data management and information architecture are optimized, Standard Operating Procedure updates are documented, and the team is trained on new workflows. Now we're ready to scale! We begin the marketing by creating organic content tailored to the Buyer's Journey. This creates a Funnel.

We publish increasingly valuable information to leads during different lead statuses. Pillar content (blog) is published to the website and repurposed for email blasts and social media using a content scheduler for automation. Once enough organic content has been published, and the funnel is generating results, it's time to evaluate Paid Ad Spend. This includes Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, listing services, print, mailing, signage, and live events like tradeshows or conferences. The sales team leverages speed and efficiency with the new software and communication tools, increasing close rate and customer satisfaction. We continually refine organic and paid marketing to target the Ideal Customer Profile. Now that the funnel is working, we begin building the Flywheel. Once a customer has bought, we provide them continual value through useful content, promotions, and customer service. This generates repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

I work on an hourly basis offering strategic planning calls and remote software programming task management. My current industries are Medical Supply, Chemical Supply, Photography and Film Studio, Graphic Design, Direct Mail Marketing Franchise, and Publishing.

Tell us about yourself

My first sales job was while I was in NYC studying acting. I was hired as a UX and Conversion Optimization US Sales Representative. I hosted and accompanied my Europe team, attended the AdTech conference in Manhattan, and provided software demos for customers remotely and in person. At this time, I was also working Corporate Events as an AV Technician at Trump Soho. These two experiences opened my world to understanding the meticulous processes behind major corporations and eCommerce. Inspired, I decided to pursue a career as a Producer after graduating from school. I traveled to Los Angeles and studied every aspect I could of the film industry.

In 2015 I returned to Richmond, VA, to be near family. My first full-time job was entry-level sales at Conquest Graphics, a commercial print and mailing company. I discovered firsthand the effectiveness of cold calling, LiveChat, and CRM, and I quickly rose to Jr. Sales Manager. Most importantly, I saw how businesses all over the USA were increasing sales by leveraging print and postal services. A former employer, Advanced Visual Production, hired me full-time, and my goal of becoming a Producer finally came true. I immediately began implementing strategic planning and software. My first step was Hubspot CRM. Then for project management.

In my first year, we experienced 48% growth, the highest year in the 20-year history of the company. Unfortunately, COVID affected the events industry catastrophically. My full-time position was no longer available, but I convinced my boss I could take him on as a client and continue working. I reached out to several other colleagues and began contracting as a sales and marketing coach. My first $1,000 check as a coach was written by a solar energy client, and that's when I decided to form Richardson Strategy.

My goal since I was a child has been to make movies and music with my friends. Learning everything I can about business has been a journey all about bringing new ideas to life. There is an overwhelming amount of talent in the world, and it is hard to find opportunities. I want to help my community and clients by offering a positive environment to grow and prosper. We all want to live our best lives.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Results. When my clients say, "Thank You," I know I did my purpose. Servant leadership brings me joy through being of service.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Variable income every week.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Change is constant. You'll need to adapt to technology, market volatility, and consumer demand.
  2. You can't do this alone. You can't do everything. Your team and supporters are so important.
  3. Be aware you will have to learn an incredible amount as you go, and it never stops :-)

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Technology is a requirement in business these days. For those of you who are not good with technology, keep learning what you can, and then find a teammate who can help with setup and troubleshooting.

Where can people find you and your business?


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