#GoSoloStories: Budadharma & Littleboomland

Hey, I'm Francisca Adriana and I run Budadharma and Littleboomland.

Tell us all about your business...

Our business includes Yoga, Meditation and Permaculture for local and international practitioners.

What's your background and motivation to get into the solopreneur life?

When starting to practice Yoga, it felt like a true homecoming. Maybe because of many years dancing and gymnastics from a young age. As if the body said 'thank you', for giving me that space and strength again. Physical tensions released and my vision on life changed. It all unfolded through ethical values, awareness and mostly love. Ashtanga and Yin Yoga make me feel balanced. To deepen my Yoga practice with profound studies and the work with nature, I find myself refining what I want to share from experience and the heart. I wish to shine this light on life.

As an solopreneur, what does success ultimately mean to you?

To notice transformation happening in a positive direction among myself and our students. Which gives rise to equanimity. We are all interconnected. And when I feel that the practices help people to feel more healthy and open, a shift in consciousness can intentionally benefit well-being of all.

What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run or grow a business today?

Be authentic and honest.
Share a vision.
Work with the health of our planet in mind.

If there was one thing you could do repeatedly day in day out to help grow your business then what would it be?

Give people an experience that makes them feel that they belong, so that we can inspire each other to feel part of the whole.

Who are some of your favorite entrepreneurs, and what projects or books do you recommend?

For projects - Oceans and flow. For permaculture - Aldeia do Vale. Yoga - David Swenson, Eddie Stern and Mirjam Wagner. Book - The Garden Awakening and Yin for Life.

For anyone looking to start a business today, what would be the number one bit of advice you'd give them?

Find your niche. Who do I want to reach.

Where can people find you online?

You can find me on | www.budadharma.org | www.littleboomland.com |  Instagram @fasahyoga | Insight Timer Francisca Adriana | YouTube fasah योग

If you like what you've read here and have your own #GoSoloStories that you'd like to share then hit Jonny up on Twitter, we'd love to feature your journey.

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