Explore Your Possibilities - The Entrepreneur's Source

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal and business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Gary Eisler, founder of The Entrepreneur's Source, located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share my story.

I'm a Career Ownership Coach at The Entrepreneur's Source, where I help people explore career transitions and discover business investment opportunities.

My clients are anyone who is considering a career change or diversification and who is open-minded, curious, and seeking clarity. Sometimes, I'm assisting the unfulfilled, unappreciated, and under-compensated, while at other times, it's those that need a change, growth, and variety. My clients are often looking to take control of their destiny, have more flexibility and feel empowered. It is my pleasure to help 20-something college graduates, 70-something retirees, families looking for a better work/life balance, and everyone in between.

Tell us about yourself

I’ve had a few career quandaries and conundrums myself over the years, and after exploring various career and business options, the thought of becoming a Career Ownership Coach resonated with me the most. One of the many things that I can offer my clients is empathy. I truly am my clients. I see a piece of me in every one of them and sincerely want to help them the way I was eventually helped. Some of my past career moves happened accidentally’, and I ‘fell’ into them. I realize now how useful a coach would have been to help me be more deliberate and to plan for success.

Additionally, I’m genuinely inquisitive, which helps me to ask the questions that get to the heart of the matter while also knowing how important it is to truly listen (it’s why we have two ears and only one mouth—I know to listen at least twice as much as I talk). Knowing that I help people explore possibilities that can potentially transform and improve their lives energizes me.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

As a business owner, each day is filled with various accomplishments. So I'm not sure if this is the biggest accomplishment, but it was one of my first, and as they say, you always remember your first.

A few years ago, I met a soft-spoken family man with two young kids who would subsequently become a client. He was out of work for ten months and beginning to lose hope as his savings dwindled. He was quite appreciative to have someone to talk to that could relate to his predicament, help focus him and show him alternative possibilities. I helped him become aware of options he did not know existed and then navigated his journey of discovery. After assisting him through his due diligence process, he came to the point of clarity to invest in one of the possibilities that I presented to him, a business that resonated the most and could fulfill his goals and needs. My client and his entire family were so thankful to be starting a new chapter, owning a business, and earning an income again. This family went on to be wildly successful and has repeatedly told me how I helped them change and improve their lives exponentially.

To me, there is no bigger accomplishment than to positively impact people's lives by opening up doors for them and giving them options and hope.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

One of the hardest things for me is remembering to 'let go', and I mean that in a few different ways. I have to remind myself that there are only so many hours in a day and not to necessarily treat everything with equal priority. It's also okay to delegate and let others lessen the load.
I own a business for many reasons. One of them is to provide me with the work/life balance and flexibility that eluded me in past careers. So although that flexibility and balance are now possible, there is no one but myself to tell me to take advantage of it and to 'let go'.

Also, there will always be hurdles, obstacles, and challenges along the path of business ownership. I sometimes need to step back and tell myself not to get too low and to 'let go' since something positive is waiting just around the corner.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. To start a business: Look within. Ask yourself the tough and probing questions, and seek to uncover the true answers to your 'why'. Have someone with experience in your corner to help you perform your due diligence, navigate the waters, hold you accountable, and point out if you're experiencing analysis paralysis and common but unfounded fears.
  2. To run a business, try to implement proven systems as soon as possible and find support from a like-minded, complementary network.
  3. To grow a business, pace yourself, be realistic, emulate others who have gone before you, and diversify.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I should probably mention that all my extensive services, including several in-depth conversations, a few assessments (one of them is a 45-page DISC and Driving Forces Report), analysis, research and resources, all come at no cost or obligation to my clients. Since this is not about sales, and the business community pays my fees, the client can relax and get the most out of this journey of awareness, discovery, research, and education in a safe space with no pressure.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://geisler.esourcecoach.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-eisler/

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