Achieve Your Health Goals - Unplug Hour Wellness

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Sherry Jobani, Founder of Unplug Hour Wellness Inc., located in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Unplug Hour Wellness is a collaborative wellness clinic located in Vancouver, Canada, that specializes in acupuncture, registered massage therapy, and osteopathy. We utilize a holistic approach to treatments that focus on the whole body while really listening to our patients' health history and getting to know them. Small adjustments in your daily habits help treat and prevent a variety of ailments. We help patients naturally thrive in every aspect of life and allow them to be more resilient mentally and physically, which can make a dramatic difference in one's overall health.

Our patients are amazing people who care about their health and are looking at natural ways to bring balance to their bodies and achieve homeostasis. They range from individuals trying to age gracefully with facial acupuncture and micro-needling, to couples trying to conceive, to someone with a sports injury or who has been in a car accident and is looking for pain relief. We help treat a wide range of clients by providing services that help with the root of the issue, and we take our time to listen to our patients' needs and create a treatment plan together so that they can achieve their health goals.

Tell us about yourself

Growing up, I trained competitively in ballet which consisted of practicing three to five hours per day. There was no downtime, so if I sustained injuries, it was expected that I’d be back on my feet and ready to go within 24 hours. One day, desperate for a way to find relief, I discovered acupuncture and was amazed by how quickly my feet would heal after just one treatment! I also learned more about my body and why I was feeling certain ways or having allergies to certain foods through acupuncture.

In university, I was on track to become a pharmacist, although, during an internship in my second year, I realized that my interest was not there. I found many illnesses and diseases were not being looked at as a whole-body approach, and it was great for treating the symptoms present of an illness but not the root causes of why it was happening in the first place. It did not offer the holistic support one might need during recovery.

I was encouraged to take a 100-level acupuncture class, and things started to click. I tried the class and fell in love! I sat in awe as we were taught the importance of energy in healing, how healing is not solely about the body recovering but also the mind and the spirit, and how our body has the power to self-heal if we create the right environment for it too. This was the approach that I wanted to have in health and wellness for my future clients. I ended up doing a 180-degree switch and have never looked back!

To this day, the “ah-hah” moments that I receive from my patients intrigue me to continue developing my knowledge so I can help more people. There is something truly rewarding when you get to celebrate with a patient who has naturally been able to conceive through our treatments even though they are in their late 30s and early 40s and have had unsuccessful IVF experiences or when someone comes limping into the clinic due to back pain and is able to walk out standing straight after a treatment. It is those patient wins and successes that motivate me each day.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

The positive feedback we receive from patients about the team, atmosphere, and service we provide. We have spent a lot of time creating a warm space and amazing team environment, and it brings us joy when patients pick up on this and let us know.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

That it can be hard to “unplug” from your own business, there are times when it feels like there is a never-ending to-do list that is crashing down on you, and you must take a minute to sit back and just breathe. The truth is, though, there is always something that can be done to move your business forward, but if you get caught in that trap, then you will never take a moment to pause and really enjoy.

The reason I created Unplug Hour Wellness was for patients to be able to unplug for an hour each week, and I try to live by that myself, whether it is carving out time to meditate, get my nails done, have a treatment at the clinic, or go for a walk in nature, I do some type of self-care to make sure I am living by my values.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Start before you are ready. I had to accept that I would not necessarily feel ready before I started. I have realized you will never feel 100% ready to go; otherwise, you would have already started. You see, it is too easy to get stuck in your comfort zone and never push yourself to accomplish your goals because there is less resistance in your comfort zone. It is easy to doubt oneself, but you need to take the leap at some point and go for it!
  2. Pay attention to how much time you are spending on certain tasks and which tasks are really moving your business forward. It is all too easy to get wrapped up in tasks that are simple and feel rewarding to you but produce little results. By keeping track of your calendar and time-blocking, it will force you to put more emphasis on your zone of genius. By doing this, I was able to focus more on building a heart-centered business while doing what I love, which is seeing my patients.
  3. Build a team of resources with other like-minded individuals that have a passion for health and wellness. Finding like-minded people to work with has been a blessing for me, as I was not able to do it all on my own. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others to help move your vision forward. It is important to me that the decisions we make as a team are going to benefit our community and add value to others.

Where can people find you and your business?


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