Celebrating Foods Allergen-Free - Your Allergy Chefs

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in food and beverage but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Joel Schaefer, founder of Your Allergy Chefs, located in North Las Vegas, NV, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Your Allergy Chefs are devoted to providing tips, guidance, and resources if you, or someone you love, are coping with food allergies or intolerances. We're here for you … because we're one of you. We face many of the same challenges, frustrations, and dietary restrictions. The good news: based on our extensive backgrounds in the culinary arts, we've found solutions. Sound, satisfying and successful solutions that work! They're working for us – they can work for you. We're here to offer tips, support, and inspiration that can make a positive difference in your life.

Tell us about yourself

Me and Mary have an extensive culinary background that covers over two decades. What got us started in the food allergy field is that I was the Culinary Development and Special Dietary Needs Manager for Walt Disney World Resort, and I was responsible for developing the food
allergy and special diets program for Disney properties worldwide and Disney Cruise Line.

Having been a chef and culinary instructor, I was the ideal expert for this position. I have lived with milk and gluten sensitivities since my teens.

Mary has been in pastry most of her life. In fact, she was a pastry chef at
Disney's Contemporary Resort for ten years. Imagine her surprise when
six years ago, she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. She had to immediately give up gluten and dairy. Mary was also diagnosed with soy, peanut, and almond intolerances and is allergic to shrimp and scallops.
What keeps us going is that we love creating amazing meals (recipes) that work for people with food allergies and intolerances can enjoy, along with their families.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

There are many accomplishments, but we are both proud of our cookbooks and the recipes we have developed over the years. Joel wrote Serving People with Food Allergies, Kitchen Management, and Menu Creation which is a reference tool detailing his accomplishments as the Special Dietary Manager at Walt Disney World Resort. This book has helped many foodservice professionals develop their own food allergen safety programs that, in turn, have safely served people with food allergies delicious and safe meals.

Our latest book, At Home with Your Allergy Chefs, Cooking Up Gluten-Free and Allergy-Friendly Meals Everyone Will Enjoy is for the consumer. The accumulation of family recipes is so good that everyone can enjoy them, not just the person with a food allergy. Our experience and expertise in recipe development are only surpassed by our love for great food.

We have also been consultants for Food Allergy Research and Education, the leading association of food allergy research in the United States. Joel has developed their prestigious FARE Check auditing program that certifies foodservice operations that go through a detailed auditing process to serve customers with food allergies.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

Sometimes it is hard to balance work life and personal life. We have had our consulting business for over ten years, and there have been years that we have had to hold down two jobs, our consulting business, and a regular 9-5 job. In the culinary field, this is not always 9-5. We have had so many working vacations that we don't really know what a real vacation is.

Working as a consultant does not allow for a regular income, so you really need to market yourself and expect to do a lot of work with no results. Getting frustrated with rejection or the comment "we will get back to you" can be tough. You have to stick with it and use different approaches to get a job. Once you get it, stay on top of the details and constantly communicate with the client.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. To "start" a business, make sure to plan on having enough money for the first three years just for marketing. A new business needs to be noticed, and without marketing money, you will not get very far. Also, make sure what your business has a niche. There is so much "noise" out there that you have to stand out.
  2. To "run" a business, have a solid business plan with an end goal each year. Re-evaluate your business every year and make changes as needed.
  3. To "grow" your business, continue to market and do not stop innovating. Find new ways to do your business, keep up with the trends, follow influencers that do what you do, and build partnerships.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

If you believe in your business, do not give up. Our business model has changed a few times over the years. We have kept busy with a few great clients, and now we are focused on writing cookbooks, which is a change in our business model.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.yourallergychefs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourallergychefs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourallergychefs/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-schaefer-ccc/

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