Your everyday florist (for the past 10 years) - Lotty's flowers

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in floristry, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with the floral artist, Charlotte Couchman, owner of Lotty's flowers, located in the coastal town of Kent, UK.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to where you are today...

I don’t have any business background, I love flowers, and I love people. It seemed the right thing to do. When I had my 2nd child, I needed a new challenge, so off I went!

What motivates you each day?

I love making people happy!

What makes your flower business stand out?

We try and be a little different. I strive for unusual flowers or plants that are not always easy to get hold of. I have a range of customers from young to old; we do a lot of weddings and funerals so lots of variety.

What's been your biggest accomplishment to date as a business owner?

Ten years in the business!

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to launch, run and grow a business today?

Never give up; keep organized at all times. If there’s something you’re not good at (i.e., bookkeeping), pay an expert to do it.

Where can people find you online?


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